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North East England and the Climate Crisis


Ahead of the COP26 Conference in November, the Land of Oak & Iron organised a programme of related events.  

Working with Peter Stark OBE and Dr William Lancaster (old friends and both local lads) Trust volunteers produced a book, the details of which are below.

The book was launched at the Heritage Centre in Winlaton Mill on Tuesday 19th October 2021.

For schools, we have produced a free, downloadable PowerPoint aimed at KS4/5 and staff CPD




Historian Bill Lancaster reveals how nationally significant the Derwent Valley has been in the development of the mining industry.

Peter Stark’s visionary essay poses the fascinating question as to whether the level of innovation involved in the industrial developments in the area’s deep mining, railways and coal-fired power stations could not now be applied to the global challenges we face.

Illustrated in colour by photographs, graphs, historic maps and engravings, this quality A4 book has 52 pages and a softback cover.


PRICE: £10 

To purchase online, please click here.

A PowerPoint for secondary school students and staff can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.

Find out more about our work with schools







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