The Blaydon Brick
To listen to the track and see a slideshow of photographs about Cowen, please click here.
From Lindisfarne the Cowens came
To Stella, by the Tyne
To somewhere safe, that was their aim
With help they'd be just fine
So with the Tempests they did stay
Then joined the Crowley Crew
The Cowens had a wily way
Hard work would pay they knew
When Crowley left Winlaton town
Young Cowen took the lead
Men knew he wouldn't let them down
They're all a loyal breed
In business too a start he made
Investing in a mine
To make his fame and fortune bade
Here was an early sign
Now where there's coal there's clay you know
In Blaydon Burn the best
For making fire bricks to go
To customers impressed
So Cowen's Brickworks now began
As reputations grew
And at its helm was that same man
Who came from Crowley's Crew
When Joseph Cowen rich became
He moved to Stella Hall
Full circle since the Tempests fame
Those years before it all
A pillar of society
Newcastle's own MP
A model of sobriety
Sir Joseph now was he
His son was Joseph Cowen too
Another businessman
But also radical in view
Left wing republican
Now Garibaldi was his friend
And others of same aims
His family wealth he'd often spend
To help them fight campaigns
Young Joseph was an MP too
He won his father's seat
Poor Gladstone unsure what to do
An awkward man to beat
Joe Cowen the orator great
Sincere, of trick no need
To journalists his name had weight
'The Blaydon Brick' indeed
In Blaydon then the Cowen's range
Of influence was wide
In many ways their social change
Brought good and civic pride
When Joe passed on an era ends
The people knew the score
So raise a toast to him my friends
The Blaydon Brick no more