Winlaton Coal
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Coal mining here on Tyneside goes back a long, long way
To medieval times and even Roman days they say
But whereabouts did this all start, well here's a story true
That gives some indication if you're looking for a clue
Chorus - - -
The coal we hew, the corve we fill, then haul it to the shaft
Another load heads down the hill, another days hard graft
In thirteen sixty seven good King Edward's request came
Six hundred tons of coal required and ordered in his name
To use for burning lime to make the mortar for the stone
Repairing Windsor Castle, so the archive deeds have shown
Winlaton coal mines were the source, they'd sent supplies before
A thriving industry was there and coal was at its core
Pitmen and keelmen working hard with danger all around
Men, women and their children who were working underground
The coal was taken by packhorse to staiths down on the Tyne
At Blaydon and at Stella too, the keel boats all in line
The keels down river took their load to where the big ships lay
Transferred the coal into their holds, they did this night and day
The loaded ships went off to sea, to London and beyond
While huge increase in coal demand caused mining to respond
And soon pits opened far and wide, a new age they would bring
Winlaton's mines helped pave the way and coal would now be king